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To putmy whole story on a page like this I wouldnt have enough space, there are just too many things about my life to just put up on a webpage. These are just thigns about my identity of a Transgender Female to Male(or FTM) Transgender, Transexual.To make a long story short. I came out as a Lesbian in 2002, my sophmore year of highschool. This of course didnt last long. Somehow the word "Lesbian" just didnt feel right. It wasnt until I had heard the word transgender that I even came close to figureing out what I was and how I fit into the world. At this point the only people I had ever heard refer to themselves as "Transgender" were Rupaul and people on the Jerry Springer Show. Clearly this isnt nearly how I identified. I honestly only thought people born men, could be transexuals.However with a little more research, and meeting people I finally came out as Transgender that summer at a program called Upward Boundwhere I attended as a student. Since then, I've found more identities, such as polyamourous and bottom. Ive been out as Trans since then and have found a sense of comfortability that was never there before. I have also opted taking hormones (hormone treatment therapy) and having chest reconstruction therapy which I will have March 28th of 2007. If there are any questions you may have reguarding my websight, or my transition or anything please feel free to email me ModestService86@gmail.com
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